Sonntag, 29. März 2020

Site-news: New design for New WonderfulChristinaRicci

Today I´ve decided
to create a new design for my fanblog here and 
on facebook. On instagram I will change the profile-pic.
 I hope you like the new design and enjoy my fanwork
 dedicated to Christina furthermore.
Take a look below.

The currrent header:

A snapshot for the current design here on blogger:

A snapshot for the current design on facebook:

The new profile-pic on facebook and instagram:

All the best to you all
 in these times of corona. I send you kind
 greetings and wish you fans of Christina with your
 family and friends much health and no big problems
 in your home - to Christina with her family
 and friends, too.

Kind greetings from Germany, :-)

Miriam Le (miriamle)

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