Samstag, 30. März 2019

Site-news: My fanblog - #nouploadfilter

Because what is
 to read in press about the new copyright
 reform I am afraid - when it becomes applicable it looks like
 I can´t create my fanblog furthermore or I must change my concept.
 I am not sure right now. To my concept for this page belong NewsEdits
 and ArticleEdits. Looks like I can´t work with them in the future because
 of the reform. Not all is completely sure about this reform currently -
 but here now my blog-entry related to this including the
 following edit I´ve created. I share it here, on
 facebook and on my instagram-

My Edit:

I hope
all the best for the so many fanpages
 in the web and for example youtube and so on
 for a free internet with especially our creativity.
Without free creativity no free internet
with it´s variety.

Kind greetings from Germany, :-)

Miriam Le (miriamle)

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