Sonntag, 29. April 2018

News (Upcoming film): "10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up" (2018)

So awesome
 Christina is part of another upcoming film -
 beside "Distorted", a TV-film about Nellie Bly (I´ve informed
 you about these films here on this page already) and "Faraway Eyes" 
(until now I haven´t created a blog-entry about this film.) This another film 
is called "10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up" and will be shown
 on 23rd Nantucket Film Festival. On June 20, 2018 the Film Festival opens.
 I don´t know until now on which date exactly Christina´s film will
 be shown there. But first here now two NewsEdits about 
the great news Christina will appear 
in this film!

NewsEdit I:

The link:

NewsEdit II:

The links -

Link I - Film Festival:

Link II - Fanpage:

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